Cultural Awareness Packages 

Karajarri Dancers

KRED Enterprises offers cultural awareness packages crafted carefully to meet your company’s needs. Our packages are designed and delivered by experts: Kimberley Aboriginal people who walk proudly in both worlds as strong cultural and community leaders. Depending on the length of the package content might range from the complexities of kinship ties and bush medicine, to the legacy of the Stolen Generations. 

Our facilitators braid their personal stories through the broader narrative of Australian Aboriginal history. They create an open and inclusive environment, actively encouraging questions and discussion.

KRED’s cultural awareness packages are particularly suitable for companies, groups or organisations interested in undertaking activities on our members’ Country. It is important any  development on our  members’ Country is designed and operated to meet the highest cultural heritage standards.

We offer companies a chance to take corporate social responsibility and participants a chance to engage meaningfully with Kimberley Aboriginal Australians. The packages are run through KRED’s wholly owned subsidiary company EHSIS and are part of KRED’s mission to create positive legacies for our members in the Kimberley.