Meet our world-class expert panel on fraccing

KRED recently arranged for an independent expert panel on fraccing to talk to our members at two meetings, one in Derby and one in Yakanarra. The Panel was assembled to cover all the potential environmental concerns that Traditional Owners have raised in relation to fraccing and include world reknowned experts in their respective fields. The scientists on the panel weren't arguing 'for' or 'against' fraccing. Instead, they presented on the real, perceived and potential impacts of fraccing in oil and gas exploration, to ensure that Traditional Owners have access to the best information possible and are in the strongest position to make decisions.

In the picture above, from left to right, we have: Manny Haghigi, a professor of well-engineering with specialist knowledge about well-integrity and design; Paul Howe, an expert in hydrogeological modelling, meaning he can read models to understand and predict potential environmental impacts of fraccing; (Ceri Morgan, not one of our panelists, but an environmental consultant); Daniel Tormey, a renowned hydrogeologist in the USA with expertise in geochemistry and fraccing; and Jenny Stauber, an expert in ecotoxicology and contaminants regarding fraccing for oil and gas. The purpose of the meetings was to provide as much information as possible to our members about the use of fraccing and its impacts on our lands, environments and ecosystems so our members can make a fully prior and informed decision about fraccing on country. There was an informative discussion about the issue at each of the meetings and Traditional Owners left the meeting with a better understanding of a complicated and sometimes contentious issue.

Presently, there are no plans to fracc on any of our members' country but some of our members have entered into agreements with oil and gas companies who are currently exploring over our country. These agreements provide rules where all exploration activities must first be cleared by our members before they can proceed.  We call this our 'no means no' rule. This ensures our country is cared for. The agreements negotiated by KRED Legal are among the strongest in Australia and our lawyers are continuing to raise the bar when it comes to agreement making. If you are a member of the Ambooriny Burru Foundation and you missed the meetings, but would like to find out what the experts said, please give the office a call to arrange a time to chat with one of our lawyers on 91 92 8782.